A Farmer

            Farming is the main occupation in India. a farmer is truly called the son of the soil as he trils in his field from morning till evening and in all seasons. He  Ploughs  his field and keep it ready for sowing seeds before the one set of the rainy season. farmerly he used plough and Bullocks for ploughing his field but nowa days he uses modern ploughing machines And tractor he is no longer backward and illiterate he was changed himself with the changing Times. he now uses hybrid seeds , fertilizers,   insecticides and grow cereals like rice , wheat , maize and also cash cropes like  sugar can and cotton. He has developed his skill in plantation rears animal like Cows- goats and sheep for additional income. He can afford to have a radio , TV , scooter and other  facilities of the Modern Times he uses his skill and modern  agricultural now how to improve his crops and after a lot of hard work looks forward to reap a good harvest he is the back bone of the India economy.